31 December 2011

This Year in Review...

Well hello everyone! :) It being the last day of the current year, I figured I should write a little bit of an update.

This year has been a big one for me! Last December I swore that I was never going to get married. All and any relationships I'd had in the past had been unsuccessful. There was no hope for me! Haha, yeah... well just as soon as I said that, that's when Erik came around my door...

Erik was in my ward at BYU-Idaho during the winter semester of 2011. We were in Bishop Hegsted's 23rd ward. As it happens in single's wards on campus, those first few Sundays of each new semester everyone's eyes wander around the room hoping to spot that special someone. Yeah, I saw some cute guys, but I didn't really have much hope. Yet when I saw Erik walking across the room during sacrament (our 3rd meeting of the day at that time), coming toward me to get a program (yes, I was the "Ward Bulletin Specialist" =P) his smile just made me melt! Literally! That is exactly how I put it back then as well. He was just SO cute!

I didn't talk to him, of course... :S I was WAYYY too nervous around guys to be the first to approach. So this pattern went on for a couple weeks as my life went on going to school and having hot chocolate parties at our apartment, etc...

THEN one particular Tuesday after devotional, I got that dreaded call from Bishop... He was asking me to give a talk on the upcoming Sunday. Nooooooo!!!!!!

Here, let me give you a little background: I HATE speaking... I mean.. I really do. It's not the talking to everyone part--I'm actually quite social once introduced to people--that's not the part that bothers me. It's something else. I still haven't figured it out, as I'm sure have not a lot of other people, but it's the thing about being the complete center of attention. Everyone's eyes on me. No distractions to ease the tension. I go hysterical, if that's even a word for it.

Immediately upon hanging up the phone I started to hyperventilate in a sense. My palms became sweaty in .001 seconds, and I was shaking. I could not believe I had said yes! Well, actually I could... :/ I knew Bishop Hegsted and his wife quite well. I had previously spent a week or so at their house after Christmas before school started because I had to come back to work early. During that visit he learned of my immense fear of speaking in church. On the phone with Bishop, he told me that "he kept saying 'no', but the Lord kept saying 'yes.'" See?! He TRIED to stick up for me... but to no avail... I was destined to speak in church that Sunday. Lucky me. :O

Back to hanging up the phone... immediately after the aforementioned, my roommate (Alexa) asked if I'd like to get a blessing. I said yes, but asked if she'd be willing to call for me. My voice was shaking! I couldn't possibly talk on the phone. ;) So, Alexa made the call for me. The home teachers would be over in a few minutes.

Well... as it turns out, one of my home teachers wasn't able to make it. Would you like to make a guess of who came in his place??? If you said Erik, then you were on the money. Yes, Erik is the one who showed up in my 2nd home teacher's place. When I heard the knock and opened the door I about fell over! In my head a high pitched voice went off saying, "It's HIM!!!" I wouldn't be surprised if Erik told me my mouth had dropped open. ...He was soooo gorgeous!!!

When asked who I'd like to give the blessing I said I didn't care, so Erik just ended up assisting. I did however try to make a lot of conversation (mainly with Erik, which he later told me his roommate noticed) so they wouldn't leave so soon. Upon leaving, I quickly told the guys, "I give hugs." My hands were sweaty from nervousness and I DIDN'T want Erik feeling them. =P

So I gave hugs and they left. I was still reeling from the encounter. It was January 25, 2011. In the days to come I looked for an excuse to text Erik--my roommates and I finding his number in the ward directory. Finally after a couple days (I figured it'd been long enough), I texted Erik and his roommate saying thank you for the blessing and whatnot. I texted his roommate too, trying to be sneaky. Giving Erik my number, but also making it look like I was just being gracious. ;P

In the weeks days to come Erik and I texted each other nearly every day, spending time together casually a few times, and then going on our first official date on February 12, 2011. We went skiing all day at Targhee and then came home to change and went to Idaho Falls to my favorite Italian restaurant, the Olive Garden. (His suggestion, not mine... which made me even more happy.) =D I had a TON of fun and couldn't wait 'til the next time I saw him. I was falling in love already. haha...

As it panned out, Erik and I became "official" one week later, on February 19, 2011. We dated the rest of the semester and got engaged on April 11, 2011 with our date set for November 11th, 2011 [11-11-11] in Portland, Oregon Temple. We spent the summer apart--from April til the end of August--seeing each other only twice during that time. Erik came to visit me in Idaho at the beginning of June, and I went to see him in Washington at the end of July. We were both completing our internships during the summer- his in Seattle and mine in Jerome. (Which of course makes life easier for us now.) During our time apart, we changed our date to September 1st because we decided that a cool wedding date was JUST a date and we'd rather be together sooner. It also made it easier to not have to mess with housing contracts ending part-way through the semester and all that.

We were married on September 1st of this year (2011) in the Bountiful, Utah Temple. We had a nice reception there, in Wendell the next day, and then 2 weeks later in Washington. It's been about 4 months now and we are thoroughly enjoying our life together. We are learning how to be married and taking it a step at a time. In my opinion, school is WAY easier once you're married. Well... maybe not easier per se, but easier in that you're more disciplined to do your homework, study, and get adequate sleep. Before being married I was  quite the night owl--staying up 'til 1 or 2 in the morning, but now I go to bed by 11 or 11:30 and am up around 7 or so. It's much better on my body than having an irregular sleeping schedule.

Well, that about sums it up for the year! We've been enjoying our holidays and were able to go to Washington for the first couple weeks, and just got back to Wendell (Idaho) to spend New Year's with my family. Then it's back to Rexburg on Monday!

20 November 2011

It's Almost Thanksgiving!!!

So.... it's almost Thanksgiving!!!! And you know what that means, right? NO SCHOOL!!!! Yay!!! I can't tell you how excited I am to finally have a little break from school!! This semester has just been KILLER! It's quite probably the hardest semester I have left to complete, so in 4 more weeks I am just going to be in heaven! Erik and I are both set to graduate in July of 2012, so we are looking forward to that.
Back to Thanksgiving... (sorry, I got sidetracked ;P) I am just so excited for all the fun things we are going to do! (Not to mention the food.... mmm 8P) We are going to Wendell for the break to see my family. We would love to see Erik's parents too, but since he's from Washington... It's not really in our budget to make a trip like that for only a few days off from school. :(
So far during the break we have plans to go shooting shotguns and .22s with my siblings and dad- that will be fun! I don't think any of them have ever seen me shoot since I officially learned how a few years ago working at a scout camp for the summer, (I got to teach shooting sports there!) so I'm kinda excited to show off my new skills. :) The first time Erik took me shooting while we were dating last winter, I out-shot all the guys. I still say I just got lucky... either that, or they were just nervous. :P
And our other plans are to go see a movie on Thanksgiving! Every year that I'm with my family we always go to the movies on Thanksgiving. It has been such a fun tradition! I love it! :)
Alrighty! Well that's all I have for you right now! Sorry if my thoughts were just rambled out in no specific order. I only have one more day of classes til break (mine are cancelled tuesday), so I can't think straight! My brain is taking a vacation. =D
Til next time!
This is us shooting sometime in September! :)

14 November 2011

My Broken Windshield

Well hello there!!! So you'll never guess what happened to me!!! That is, unless you've already heard about it through me or Facebook or whatever... ;)
Anyways! So Erik and I were driving out toward the livestock center on the 3rd to go shooting shotguns and pistols with a couple friends (we were meeting Greg at the livestock center--since that's where he finishes with class, and the place we go shooting at is out past there.), when out of nowhere my hood flies up and slams back into my windshield!!!!! Now just think about it... I was driving at a speed between 50-60mph, and I all of a sudden couldn't see anything!!! Just luckily enough, I had Erik in the car with me. He was able to guide me to a safe spot on the shoulder where we could check out what was wrong and fix our visibility situation. ;)
Turns out we'll never know why it flew up like that... I could have sworn that the hood was latched all the way, but who knows?! It might not have been... Either way, I'm so thankful that nothing happened to us, and that the worst result was a broken windshield and a dented in hood. This scenario could have gone so many different ways, possibly resulting in severe injury or even death. I'm surprised I didn't jerk the wheel when the hood flew up... but I didn't. I did slam on my breaks, but luckily I kept my arms steady. Had I swerved left, we could have crashed head-on into the oncoming traffic. Had I swerved right, we would have ended up nose-down in the ditch. And going nearly 60mph, that wouldn't have been pretty.
I'm thankful for a Heavenly Father that knows and loves us. He is always watching over us whether we know it or not. Everything that happens, happens for a reason--and everything is a blessing. Even our trials. They are meant to teach us something, so it's time we dig and find out what it is so we may return to live with Him again. :)
We now have a new windshield, and it is all for the better. My windshield was already on the verge of being unsafe; cracked in too many places and no rear-view mirror. I think this was a way of telling us we better get a new windshield before something worse happens. Not exactly the way we wanted to spend a chunk of our wedding money, but hey... in the end it will have been worth it. :)

08 October 2011

We're Real Good at This...

Well hey there! It's been a while... I know. What can I say though?! School is back in session... AND we're newlyweds! We're still trying to figure everything out and get situated while taking on the load of never-ending homework our teachers pile on us.

When we first moved into our apartment, it seemed like we would never get it unpacked. There was just so much stuff!!! It was everywhere!!! Well... I'm here today to tell you now that it got unpacked. It took a few days...er, weeks, I mean... but it's finally done! Yeah, there are still things that we don't know where to put or what to do with right now, but who cares about that stuff? That's not important right now. ;)
It just feels so NICE to not have to worry about it anymore! Can I get an amen?! =D

Well... other than that, I really don't know what to write about tonight...
Erik and I are going to make cookies!! Guess what they're called??....

Secret Kiss Cookies!

They are from our brand spankin' new Hershey's cookbook that we got for our wedding. And it's your lucky day! Because I'm going to share the recipe with all of you to make these delectable treats too!! :)

1 cup (2 sticks) butter or margarine, softened
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1-3/4 cups all-purpose flour
 1 cup finely chopped walnuts (optional)
1 bag (6 oz.) HERSHEY'S KISSES Milk Chocolates
Powdered sugar
*In large mixer bowl, beat butter, granulated sugar and vanilla until light and fluffy. Add flour and walnuts; beat on low speed of electric mixer until well blended. Cover; refrigerate dough 1 to 2 hours or until firm enough to handle.
*Remove wrappers from chocolate pieces. Heat oven to 375 degrees. Using approximately 1 tablespoon of dough for each cookie, shape dough around each chocolate piece; roll to make ball. (Be sure to cover each chocolate piece completely.) Place on ungreased cookie sheet.
*Bake 10 to 12 minutes or until cookies are set but not brown. Cool slightly; remove from  cookie sheet to wire rack.
*While still slightly warm, roll in powdered sugar. Cool completely. Store in tightly covered container. Roll again in powdered sugar just before serving. About 3 dozen cookies.
*Note: For variety, sift together 1 tablesppon HERSHEY'S Cocoa with 1/3 cup powdered sugar. Roll warm cookies in cocoa mixture.
I hope you like them! Erik and I are going to add a little bit of peanut butter to the dough to make it more like Reese's. Happy cooking!! =)

11 September 2011

Pictures from the Big Day!

I thought I'd go ahead and share some pictures from our big day! These are unofficial pictures (not from the wedding photographer) that my Aunt Diana took, but they'll serve as a nice preview until I get the other ones back! ;) I hope you enjoy them!!

Here is our "G" for "Gulbransen" that hung just above the walkway towards our pavillion.

Our wedding had a rainbow theme, so here are all the lanterns in assorted colors!

A little better view, including the food table off to the left.

This is our gift table! I loved the bird cage we used to put cards in. :)

Our guest book! We had this personalized just for us. :D

The bird cage and lanterns!

The bottom part of my dress. (Sorry about the lighting...)

The corsette of my dress (Literally. It was TIGHT!).

 The back of my dress.

He seriously looks like he's about to drop me! It's
like he's saying, "Help me! I'm holding a COW!!!" ;P

"I OWN you!"

Our shoes. Hey! I had to find some way to not look so short next to him! ;P

My shoes. MAN, they hurt!!! I had to change
into my white sneakers partway through!

Our parents :)

The bridesmaids. Alyssa, Tiffani, and Sierra. :)

All of our flowers.

My sisters, Alyssa and Tiffani.

We didn't even know! My sisters and I were all wearing silver shoes!

The garter toss!

Watching Erik ... :)

Getting ready to toss the bouquet.

The toss!.... (it didn't go too far) :S

These were SO yummy!!! I need to learn how to make them!!
(Cheesecake Poppers)

Our "cake"! It was a rainbow cheesecake! :)

Here's a picture of what the inside looks like. :)

Cutting the (cheese)cake! ;P

Why am i smiling at the cheesecake??? Hahaha....

We kind of cheated... We both agreed not
to smear it in each other's faces. :D

 Mmmm...cheesecake :)

Dog pile!!....

My mom :)

Me and my family (minus Porter and his fam).

No explanation needed...


"What were we thinking?!" ;P

So long everyone!!!

31 August 2011

Wedding EVE!!!

Well hey guys!!
Guess what day it is?!?? YEP! The day before the wedding!!! Tonight we're having the "bridal shower" at my Aunt Denise's in Centerville, UT, so we'll see how that goes!! Basically it was just thrown together at the last minute since my sister Alyssa, the maid of honor, kinda dropped the ball on it since she just started college on Monday at USU. Lame huh? Haha... oh well. So since i basically have no friends anywhere around here... (Just in Rexburg pretty much!!) there will just be a few family members here and there showing up. It should still be fun though! I'm excited. :) Funny thing is that i pretty much had to put it together... The food part of it anyway. I went out shopping today and bought some snacks. The menu consists of: cheese, ritz crackers (both regular and garden vegetable), mini eclairs, bbq and sweet onion chips, watermelon, grapes, and then some candy--skittles, toffee and almond chocolate nuggets, and starburst jelly beans. :D Sound good?? Hopefully it is! :) I just cut up a whole half-of-a-watermelon not too long ago and arranged the grapes all nicely on a tray. ;) It starts at 8!
I got my bridals taken on Monday, and let me tell you.... I am NOT excited about wearing those shoes all day!!!!! They KILL my little feet!!! :/  So we'll see how long I actually keep them on...
Well, i'll be going now! The next time you hear from me, I'll be a married woman!!! Haha :)
So long!

26 August 2011

New Backpack!!!

I got a new backpack the other day! I already have a nice one, but I've been wanting a new one for a while with a design that's more my style. So... I finally got one!

Here it is!!

Haha, I know I'm being like a little kid again, all excited for school to start... ;P Well, the truth is.. I'm excited to have a new backpack, but i'm not excited for school part. Noooo way. Not me! I'm scared. My classes are going to be so hard! Here's to hoping I pass all my classes! =S

On a different note, I went to Boise today to get my wedding dress pressed!! Now it's all ready to go! :):):) Only 6 more days til eternity! I'm sooo excited. =)

Childhood #2....

Hey there :) So i figured I'd finish my last post now with these random stories from my childhood in Michigan. I SO wish that i had more pictures to put up of these things, but i don't... I'm sorry :'(Anyways, here goes!

Here is the setting.

Sledding with Four Wheelers and Riding Go-Carts
Growing up we LOVED to ride the four wheeler and go-cart around our property. We'd ride them over top of the septic mound (old school, right?), around the perimeter of the house, and into the 15 acres of woods behind our house. In the winter, my dad would tie a rope connected to a sled to the back of the four wheeler and pull us around  the snow covered property. It was SO much fun. :) It was kind of like tubing behind a boat, except with snow... So when you'd get "flipped" you'd roll in tons of icy cold snow instead of cool-warm lake water. Brrrr!!!
Haha, this reminds me of a time I decided to "sneak out" with my best friend in the middle of the night....
Well, I guess this calls for an explanation! Meet Haley...

We met in 3rd grade (3ish years since we'd moved to Michigan), and were best friends all the way til I moved to Montana 6 1/2 years later-in the middle of my freshman year of high school. We also had another best friend, Autumn Swift, but she is not pictured here and wasn't involved in this escapade.

Haley was spending the night and we decided that we wanted to go out and ride four wheelers...but it was really late and everyone else was asleep. Our solution? We were going to sneak out!! Her family lived just a few miles from me and owned a couple four wheelers, so we had her brother and his friend drive them over to meet us with them. Haley and I hopped on one, and her brother and his friend on the other. And we were off! We rode down the road and through bumpy dirt field at too high of speeds with the wind in our faces without a care in the world...
That is... til we got back to my house. :S We thought we'd just sneak back in, no problem right? WRONG!!! The door had been locked while we were gone! Ohhhh crap.. we thought. We considered just sleeping outside or something, but that wasn't too safe without a tent in that area... So what did we go? The only thing we could do.We rang the doorbell!!! Hahahahaha....... Howww embarrassing.
Turns out that my dad had heard the four wheelers and knew that we snuck out. I just knew we were done for... But MUCH to my surprise, he didn't even care! I guess it pays to be a kid. :)

Toilet Papering
So...as much as I hate to admit it, growing up we had pretty cool parents. Sometimes.
They would let us up and go toilet paper one of our friend's houses if we wanted to, on occasion. :) There is one particular time that I would like to talk about...
As toilet papering goes, there was a little "war" going on among us and our friends. One night we wanted to go toilet paper one of the people's houses on our "enemy" list. The only problem? They lived like 2-3 miles away from us. So what did we do? We had my mom drive us! =P
Growing up, we owned a variety of different cars at different times in our life. During this time, my mom was driving a station wagon with a rear facing seat in the back. 
We had my mom drive us (me, my brothers, and some friends) to the house and park 100 yards or so down the road. We snuck around the house and threw toilet paper everywhere, listening carefully--afraid we were going to get caught a couple times. Once we were finished, I think as the result of almost being caught, we sprinted towards the station wagon, waiting with the back door open, and jumped in shouting "GO! GO! GO!" to my mom.

Man... I wish times like those could last forever. I've decided that I want to be a cool mom and do that for my kids too--if they want.

Life will be good. :)

15 August 2011

Childhood Escapades

I was thinking this past week about funny things that have happened to me in my childhood, and I decided that I wanted to share some of them with you so that you could laugh too! :)

Bows & Arrows
For most of my childhood, from about age 5 til age 15, I lived in Michigan. In Michigan we had 20 ares of land--15 of woods and 5 of grass. Our house was planted somewhere in the middle-ish of those 5 acres. In fact, here's a picture for you:

To the west and south are portions of our 15 acre woods, but not all of them. To the immediate west of the house is a volleyball court, and the other plot just lower is a playground. To the east, the driveway extends all the way to the road where you see point "A".

Anyways... As children we would play outside all the time. On this particular day, my 2 brothers--Porter & Loran--and I were outside shooting bows and arrows around in the field. Aiming at random stuff and just having a good old time. Well.... being young, as we were, we weren't really very acquainted with "firearm" stuff and whatnot. That being known, here I am standing in the field just north of the house facing west when my brother--I think it was Porter, but I can't be sure anymore--shoots an arrow in my direction... Now, I don't think he was actually aiming for me, but that's what he hit! Yep! He HIT ME!!! Right smack in the chest too, on the right side. Luckily it didn't go in though. Thank goodness for using dull arrows!!! All that was left was a little round scar where it hit me, which ended up fading over the years. Oh man... what good times we had. Hahaha. :)

Ring of Fire

This is another incident that happened in Michigan. In fact I think everything I'm writing about happened there, so it's good I gave you a picture to be able to mentally see what's going on here! :) This one involved my brothers again... Go figure! Are you seeing a pattern here?
So there I was, standing just to the west of the driveway on the grass right next to the playground... when my brothers thought it would be funny to pour a huge circle of gasoline all around me on the ground and light it on fire!! I wish I could tell you how old I was during these happenings, but I honestly don't remember!! :S Anyways, so there you have me... Standing in the middle of a ring of fire... literally. I didn't know what to do! So i did the only logical thing...! No... I didn't just sit and wait out the flames, I wasn't patient enough for that! I ran and jumped through the flames to get out of the circle, making it out safely but losing a shoe in the process!!

I don't know what my brothers were thinking doing that to me, but it is fun to look back on!! :)

PORTER on Fire

Have you ever held fire in your hands?? If you haven't, it's a lot of fun! You should try it sometime. :) Just.... please be careful. ;)

Holding fire was something we really liked to do when we were younger, heck, I still like to do it occassionally!! ;P Anyways, the trick to holding fire (among others, i'm sure) is to use hand sanitizer. All you need to do is put a glob of it right smack on your palm and light it on fire! Now wait... before you try it, you need to know a couple of things... First, the trick only lasts a second or two.. So don't just sit there and watch it burn, or YOU will burn. Got it? You have to shake it out once you begin to feel the warmth reaching your skin. Second, make sure the sanitizer doesn't spread. Unless you want your whole hand to catch on fire, make sure it stays in a central spot on your palm (or wherever) and doesn't seep out.... THIS is where Porter comes in....

One night when we were playing with fire (I think we may have been little pyros, but i'm not sure...) ;) Porter decided to spread sanitizer up his arm as well... JUST to see what would happen. Oh brother........ Well, you may be able to guess what happened. Trying to shake out a little fire in your palm is one thing (it's easy!), but trying to shake your whole arm out is a completely different story... 8/

Porter's whole arm was up in flames and shaking wasn't doing any good. Just imagine someone with their whole arm on fire trying to shake it out.. Funny, huh? Well it may sound funny, but it was scary too there for a minute! I think what ended up happening is he had to stop, drop, and roll to get it out. We were all able to have a good laugh about that later.... Good times. :)

OKAY, well I still have a few more stories I wanted to tell, but this is getting rather long so I think I'll split it up and try to post the rest next time. :) Hope that's okay with you, cuz i'm doin' it anyway!!! Hahahaha.....

Oh, and to end the post, here's a picture of me from last fall that I retouched a little bit. Just thought I'd share!! :)

HI! :)

24 July 2011

The Husband

Today I finished a really good book. For those of you who haven't heard of The Husband, it is definitely one that you will want to check out. It is by Dean Koontz and it is a page turner.

Now I don't want to give you any spoilers, but it is about a guy named Mitch whose wife gets kidnapped and held for 2 million dollars ransom. He has 60 hours to come up with the money, or they will kill her. And you wanna know the funny--or not so funny--part about it?! Mitch is a gardener!!!!

Here's the book, just in case you were curious!!

Be sure to check it out!! :)

21 July 2011

Life Goes On....

Life's been good, I suppose! Since I last wrote, I went to visit Erik in Washington. I had an awesome time there, and I wish I could go back and just live there. I love Washington. <3

I've missed Erik sooo much... As time passes that i'm not with him, sometimes I forget how much I really miss being with him, with his arms around me. I put up strong fronts and try to push those things out of my head so that i'm able to make it through every day that goes by until I get to be with him again.

I can't wait until I can call Erik my husband, and get to be with him every day for the rest of forever... He and I are perfect for each other. It's like we both were the missing piece to each other's puzzle, and now we've been found. :)

On a totally different note, I still haven't started my other job. I actually have to go in tomorrow to meet with the guy and bring my resume. I hope that's a good thing... :S Cross your fingers! He already told me it was "for sure" when I asked him, but who knows? Maybe it wasn't really "for sure" yet, and they still need to interview me again. Needless to say, I'm really quite nervous about it. I very much dislike interviews. :/

I can say, though, that I'm still happy with my decsion to quit Maverik. I haven't been happier all summer than since I stopped working there. I do not like the environment there at ALL. There's too much gossip, backbiting, swearing, and the list goes on.... I could never make it through the day without feeling like a piece of meat; dirty men's eyes wandering where they needn't be. I never felt comfortable there. I don't belong with those kinds of people.

Yesterday I got to go to the temple again! I went to the Twin Falls temple to do a session with a girl from my home ward, Jessica Hansen. I had a good experience. I really would like to go again tomorrow if I can make it work after my interview. :)

Well, I need to be off. I have cleaning and organizing to do around my room. It's kind of a pig-sty right now. :/ Love you all!

12 July 2011


Guess what happens in 3 days?!?!? YEP!!! I get to see Erik again!!!

Haha, I bet you're all sick of me being mushy gushy all the time, but hey!! I can't help it!! I'm sorry! :S

...And guess what happened today?! I quit at Maverik. I just couldn't take that job anymore. I couldn't do it anymore. I can honestly say, I don't think I've ever hated a job as much as that one. :(
Good news though!! One of the real reasons I finally up and quit though is because I found another job!! I actually had the interview 2 months ago, but it's for a store that is brand new and hasn't opened up yet. They did the interviews early so they'd be ready for when it opened. I should be getting a call next Monday with an offer for what i'll get paid, and then it's up to me whether I accept or decline it. Well, DUH!!! Of COURSE i'm going to accept it!! I was making minimum wage at Maverik... How could anything be worse?! Especially for such a nicer job as it will be! :)

Yes, yes, I know i haven't told you where it is yet, but I will wait to do that until after I get my job offer. I don't want to jinx myself! :P

Until then...!

An update in a jiffy?
I just got back yesterday (Sunday) from my Cox family reunion in Las Vegas. My favorite part was getting to go to the temple and do a session there, boating (wave runner, skiing, tubing), and then having a fireside where my grandpa gave a killer lesson. LOVED IT!!!
I quit Maverik today.
I babysat my cousin, Mari, instead for the evening.
The next couple days I will be doing some extra work for my grandma to earn some money.
Then Thursday I will be flying out to see the love of my life, and best friend, in Washington!!

Life couldn't get better right now! I feel so FREE!!!
Working at Maverik was like trying to swim with someone constantly trying to push your shoulders down under the water.
I can breathe now!!! Who knew!?!? :)

01 July 2011


So, I found my dress today!!! (Well, technically it was yesterday because i'm up late past midnight writing this. You get the point though!) ;)

Oh man.... It's not something I would have walked in and been like, "That one!" But... After trying on dresses for the first time in my life and seeing them on me, I decided on it. And guess what else?! ...I LOVE IT!! Yep! I really do!

Funny thing, it was actually the very first dress I tried on too! I didn't really know what to think yet though, so i set it aside to keep and continued to try on other various dresses. Then after having 2 or 3 dresses that I wanted in the finale (hehe), I put them BACK on and we went from there! Yadda yadda yadda... long story short, I ended up picking the first dress I tried on!! Weird, huh? I think it's kinda cool. :)

It fits so perfectly that there is NO need whatsoever to get it altered!!! It's like it was made for me or something... who knows?!
Well... I guess it could be hemmed because i'm so short... BUUUUT.....
after that we went to the mall and I got some shoes to go with it. Instead of going with sneakers like I had originally wanted to, we ended up getting some super tall heels so that 1) I won't need to spend a fortune getting my dress hemmed, and 2) I won't look so dang short next to Erik now! He's literally about a foot taller than me. I know, right?! I'm short. I don't care though. :)

Well, it's been a LONNNG day.... and i had an even longer one yesterday, which maybe i'll write about another time. So-long everyone!!! :)

Wedding Dress Shopping

[Kay, so let me start off by saying that I don't really know if it's possible to change the date on a post, but I wrote this 2 days ago and Blogger hasn't been working for me to even post it til now! :( It's okay though, you can still at least read what was going on at that time, and then i'll write a new one to update on this one! Make sense??? Hope so!!]

Guess what?! I am finally going shopping for my wedding dress on Thursday! It's only 2 months to the wedding and I STILL don't have a dress! I know... Hopefully I don't have to get much altered at all.

Actually, funny story... we WERE going to go dress shopping last week (i'm not sure if i mentioned it or not...), but the place we went to down in Utah didn't have ANYTHING i was interested in at ALL. There were only 3 modest dresses in the whole store, and on top of that: 1) not my style. and 2)SUPERRR expensive!!! Yeah, i never ever intend on spending 1600+ on a wedding dress. NO THANKS!!! :P
The rest of the dresses there were ALL immodest and would need to be altered, which would cost 400+ in addition to the expensive prices that they already were. So, long story short, I didn't try on a single thing! We were in and out in 5 minutes tops. So much for that experience! Haha :)

The place I've wanted to go this whole summer, from day one is to Margene's Bridal in Boise. Now I finally get to go! Yay! There is also a Margene's Bridal in Idaho Falls, which is how I learned of this incredible dress store. I just so happened to have a roommate last semester that was getting married, so i-- being the only one in my apartment with a car-- got to take her to find her dress and go back for a couple follow-up appointments! During this time I fell in love with the dresses they had there and knew that's where I wanted to go to find my dress. :)

Now it's my turn!! I'm very excited and i hope i find something that i just LOVE!!! :) <3

24 June 2011


So.... in case anyone was wondering, Erik did make it back safe from his rafting trip!!! And I FINALLY heard from him on Sunday afternoon. It was definitely a LONG weekend though. These experiences are good for us, however! Err... in some way or another. ;)
We're not even in the same state right now, yet when he leaves his own town I get scared! ....For good reason too! Turns out he DID almost die at one point on his little escapade! :'(
He was capsized from his raft and got pulled into a whirlpool in one of the rapids. After much sputtering, the whirlpool finally shot him out and he had to ride through 2 more rapids free-floating.
Luckily, after all that, he IS alive! I seriously don't know what i'd do without him.
Okay, okay....enough mushy gushy stuff.... sorry.
Aside from all that... Everything is great right now! Work was good today! ...I only had an energy drink explode all over me, and I almost hit a cat on the way home. No fry sauce or tea... so we're good! ;-)
And currently i'm holding the super soft stuffed llama that erik sent me with a book that he re-wrote the words for [about a month ago]. It was originally called "Llama Llama Misses Mama", but got changed to "Little Erik Misses Jaesika". (Awwww....)
Maybe one of these days, although you won't get to see the pictures that are in the book, i will type up the story so you can read it yourself! It's way cute... :) You'll just have to trust me for now though. :)
I'm sorry I don't have much more to say right now... I'm pretty tired!
I've gotta get to bed so I can get up early and go to my internship in the morning! :/

19 June 2011

Long Weekend

This weekend has officially been the worst of the whole summer.

Erik went away with some friends on a rafting trip, and while i'm super happy that he's enjoying himself and having fun... I'm also sad because it means I don't get to talk to him. He doesn't have any cell phone service at his campsite. This is the longest I've gone without talking to him for the whole summer so far. Actually, it's the longest i've ever gone without talking to him since we met. :(

Not getting to talk to Erik isn't the only thing making my weekend miserable though.... Work yesterday was the most stressfully exciting day i've had since working there.

For those of you that don't know, I work at the Maverik gas station in Wendell, Idaho. This is my summer job til I get married and go back to Rexburg this fall. And let me tell you, it is just glamorous. ;-P

To tell you the story in a nutshell, I was filling up condiment bottles when I dropped a whole gallon of fry sauce all over the floor and the mats in the bakery... And as it was going down, half the fry sauce got on me and my shoes. Then after cleaning it all up (mopping, taking the mats outside to hose them off, and sweeping), I kept getting more stuff on me (such as ketchup and mustard), which i never do. I don't have a clue as to why i was so clumsy! :(

This is not all though! Just afterwards as i was carrying the tea dispensers to empty them in the back room, the lever got pushed down while i was opening the door and the tea started running down the side of my pantleg.

A few minutes later I counted my till to end my shift and accidentally threw the change away in the trash can. What was I thinking?! Digging in the garbage was the last thing I wanted to be doing at this point. :/

Ah well... such is life when you work at Maverik! Today went a little better... I only got yelled at for not doing someone else's dishes last night before I left, and I dropped a case of Gatorade bottles all over the floor. Nothing huge! Not compared to yesterday!

Only one more day til I get to talk to my best friend. <3
He always makes everything better.

16 June 2011

Summer Love

This summer has been terribly long so far... probably because Erik and I aren't together for the summer. He is at home in Washington doing his internship with the bureau of the ATF and working, while I am doing the same in Idaho. I am working and doing my internship with the hospital in Jerome.
We went 2 months without seeing each other, and then the day finally came when he came to visit me just 1 week ago. He stayed for 3 nights, and we stayed very busy while he was here. We registered at 2 stores for our wedding registry. We got our engagement pictures taken. I took out my endowments in the Twin Falls temple... and the list goes on. Needless to say, our time together wasn't enough for either of us. At least this next waiting period will be half as long as the first one.
I'm going to be traveling up to Washington in July to visit Erik and his family. Throughout this whole time we've been together, I still haven't been up to his house. Yes, I have met his parents and all... I just haven't been up to their home front. I am just so excited; the day won't come soon enough-- it never does. :/
There is a positive side to all this time though... it gives me time to attempt to get all the wedding plans taken care of. Note: attempt. ;) So far not much has gotten done because I've had very little help. I got the bridesmaids dresses ordered, Erik bought his suit, and we just got our pictures taken... I think that's it for the main stuff. I still haven't gotten my dress, but I think it will finally be happening next week. I have a couple days off work, so i'll be going down to Utah with my mom and sister to a place in Salt Lake that my aunt told my mom about. I previously was set on going to Margene's Bridal in Boise, but I got overruled. :/ Ah well... hopefully this other place delivers. ;P
As for our pictures, I actually just got back the proofs today! I've been looking through them and, despite our wariness about whether we'd have any good shots, I think we have some that will make us, and everyone else, happy. :) Once we choose which ones to use, we'll be on our way to getting our announcements printed and sent out! Yay! :)
I really wanted to post one of the pics just as a preview... BUT I just realized I can't. The photographer gave me hard copies, and the ones on his website do not allow me to copy, paste, or save them in any way. :/ Sorry. :(
Well, hopefully I said enough to give you an insight into my life right now! I miss Erik a ton... it's hard to live without him, with us being so far apart from each other. It's a good learning experience though... in some way or another, and I know we'll both come out stronger from it... more able to face challenges in the future and love each other through all our hard times. No matter what.
I never dreamed I'd get so lucky. Erik is everything I could have ever dreamed of and more, and we are simply perfect for each other. I can't wait til I can call him my husband. <3

21 April 2011


Yes, yes... I know it's been a while since i've written, and i'm sorry about that. BUT I do have good news....!!! I am now engaged! OH man... Erik is seriously the best thing that's ever happened to me. He is the guy that i've always dreamed about, and the love that i've been waiting for all along. If I had only known that I would eventually meet him and get to be with him, i would have never even so much as looked at another guy along the way. The big day is going to be September 1st in Bountiful, Utah. We did have it scheduled for November 11th, but reality kind of hit us and we decided to move it forward because it really is just a day in time... and there's no need to postpone something we already know is right just for a specific date. November 11th will still probably always be special to us just because that's when we had originally planned for, even if it's not the date we actually get married on. I just can't wait to be sealed to Erik forever and ever. With him by my side, I know we'll be able to make it through anything. :)

Here we are! Probably laughing at my sister or something....

I love this guy. <3
And that's why I said YES!!! :):):)