24 June 2011


So.... in case anyone was wondering, Erik did make it back safe from his rafting trip!!! And I FINALLY heard from him on Sunday afternoon. It was definitely a LONG weekend though. These experiences are good for us, however! Err... in some way or another. ;)
We're not even in the same state right now, yet when he leaves his own town I get scared! ....For good reason too! Turns out he DID almost die at one point on his little escapade! :'(
He was capsized from his raft and got pulled into a whirlpool in one of the rapids. After much sputtering, the whirlpool finally shot him out and he had to ride through 2 more rapids free-floating.
Luckily, after all that, he IS alive! I seriously don't know what i'd do without him.
Okay, okay....enough mushy gushy stuff.... sorry.
Aside from all that... Everything is great right now! Work was good today! ...I only had an energy drink explode all over me, and I almost hit a cat on the way home. No fry sauce or tea... so we're good! ;-)
And currently i'm holding the super soft stuffed llama that erik sent me with a book that he re-wrote the words for [about a month ago]. It was originally called "Llama Llama Misses Mama", but got changed to "Little Erik Misses Jaesika". (Awwww....)
Maybe one of these days, although you won't get to see the pictures that are in the book, i will type up the story so you can read it yourself! It's way cute... :) You'll just have to trust me for now though. :)
I'm sorry I don't have much more to say right now... I'm pretty tired!
I've gotta get to bed so I can get up early and go to my internship in the morning! :/

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