19 June 2011

Long Weekend

This weekend has officially been the worst of the whole summer.

Erik went away with some friends on a rafting trip, and while i'm super happy that he's enjoying himself and having fun... I'm also sad because it means I don't get to talk to him. He doesn't have any cell phone service at his campsite. This is the longest I've gone without talking to him for the whole summer so far. Actually, it's the longest i've ever gone without talking to him since we met. :(

Not getting to talk to Erik isn't the only thing making my weekend miserable though.... Work yesterday was the most stressfully exciting day i've had since working there.

For those of you that don't know, I work at the Maverik gas station in Wendell, Idaho. This is my summer job til I get married and go back to Rexburg this fall. And let me tell you, it is just glamorous. ;-P

To tell you the story in a nutshell, I was filling up condiment bottles when I dropped a whole gallon of fry sauce all over the floor and the mats in the bakery... And as it was going down, half the fry sauce got on me and my shoes. Then after cleaning it all up (mopping, taking the mats outside to hose them off, and sweeping), I kept getting more stuff on me (such as ketchup and mustard), which i never do. I don't have a clue as to why i was so clumsy! :(

This is not all though! Just afterwards as i was carrying the tea dispensers to empty them in the back room, the lever got pushed down while i was opening the door and the tea started running down the side of my pantleg.

A few minutes later I counted my till to end my shift and accidentally threw the change away in the trash can. What was I thinking?! Digging in the garbage was the last thing I wanted to be doing at this point. :/

Ah well... such is life when you work at Maverik! Today went a little better... I only got yelled at for not doing someone else's dishes last night before I left, and I dropped a case of Gatorade bottles all over the floor. Nothing huge! Not compared to yesterday!

Only one more day til I get to talk to my best friend. <3
He always makes everything better.

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