16 June 2011

Summer Love

This summer has been terribly long so far... probably because Erik and I aren't together for the summer. He is at home in Washington doing his internship with the bureau of the ATF and working, while I am doing the same in Idaho. I am working and doing my internship with the hospital in Jerome.
We went 2 months without seeing each other, and then the day finally came when he came to visit me just 1 week ago. He stayed for 3 nights, and we stayed very busy while he was here. We registered at 2 stores for our wedding registry. We got our engagement pictures taken. I took out my endowments in the Twin Falls temple... and the list goes on. Needless to say, our time together wasn't enough for either of us. At least this next waiting period will be half as long as the first one.
I'm going to be traveling up to Washington in July to visit Erik and his family. Throughout this whole time we've been together, I still haven't been up to his house. Yes, I have met his parents and all... I just haven't been up to their home front. I am just so excited; the day won't come soon enough-- it never does. :/
There is a positive side to all this time though... it gives me time to attempt to get all the wedding plans taken care of. Note: attempt. ;) So far not much has gotten done because I've had very little help. I got the bridesmaids dresses ordered, Erik bought his suit, and we just got our pictures taken... I think that's it for the main stuff. I still haven't gotten my dress, but I think it will finally be happening next week. I have a couple days off work, so i'll be going down to Utah with my mom and sister to a place in Salt Lake that my aunt told my mom about. I previously was set on going to Margene's Bridal in Boise, but I got overruled. :/ Ah well... hopefully this other place delivers. ;P
As for our pictures, I actually just got back the proofs today! I've been looking through them and, despite our wariness about whether we'd have any good shots, I think we have some that will make us, and everyone else, happy. :) Once we choose which ones to use, we'll be on our way to getting our announcements printed and sent out! Yay! :)
I really wanted to post one of the pics just as a preview... BUT I just realized I can't. The photographer gave me hard copies, and the ones on his website do not allow me to copy, paste, or save them in any way. :/ Sorry. :(
Well, hopefully I said enough to give you an insight into my life right now! I miss Erik a ton... it's hard to live without him, with us being so far apart from each other. It's a good learning experience though... in some way or another, and I know we'll both come out stronger from it... more able to face challenges in the future and love each other through all our hard times. No matter what.
I never dreamed I'd get so lucky. Erik is everything I could have ever dreamed of and more, and we are simply perfect for each other. I can't wait til I can call him my husband. <3

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