12 July 2011


Guess what happens in 3 days?!?!? YEP!!! I get to see Erik again!!!

Haha, I bet you're all sick of me being mushy gushy all the time, but hey!! I can't help it!! I'm sorry! :S

...And guess what happened today?! I quit at Maverik. I just couldn't take that job anymore. I couldn't do it anymore. I can honestly say, I don't think I've ever hated a job as much as that one. :(
Good news though!! One of the real reasons I finally up and quit though is because I found another job!! I actually had the interview 2 months ago, but it's for a store that is brand new and hasn't opened up yet. They did the interviews early so they'd be ready for when it opened. I should be getting a call next Monday with an offer for what i'll get paid, and then it's up to me whether I accept or decline it. Well, DUH!!! Of COURSE i'm going to accept it!! I was making minimum wage at Maverik... How could anything be worse?! Especially for such a nicer job as it will be! :)

Yes, yes, I know i haven't told you where it is yet, but I will wait to do that until after I get my job offer. I don't want to jinx myself! :P

Until then...!

An update in a jiffy?
I just got back yesterday (Sunday) from my Cox family reunion in Las Vegas. My favorite part was getting to go to the temple and do a session there, boating (wave runner, skiing, tubing), and then having a fireside where my grandpa gave a killer lesson. LOVED IT!!!
I quit Maverik today.
I babysat my cousin, Mari, instead for the evening.
The next couple days I will be doing some extra work for my grandma to earn some money.
Then Thursday I will be flying out to see the love of my life, and best friend, in Washington!!

Life couldn't get better right now! I feel so FREE!!!
Working at Maverik was like trying to swim with someone constantly trying to push your shoulders down under the water.
I can breathe now!!! Who knew!?!? :)

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