19 January 2011

Working Out

"I like to work out 3 times a day--morning, afternoon, and night. That way, by the end of the day, my caloric intake is equal to my caloric outtake. :)"

That's what I said at the gym the other night.. haha. So maybe I was exaggerating just a little bit... BUT this semester I've had some great motivation so far. While I've always loved working out, I haven't always had the best motivators for getting out there and being consistent with my workouts. There's always room for change though, right? Well I would say so, because that's what's been happening this semester. I've been consistent and have been actually getting out there with enthusiasm instead of looking at it as a chore. And although it might still be a chore in a way, it's one of those that you look forward to doing. :)

I'm the kind of person that likes having someone go with me to work out. My roommates have been doing pretty great on that end thus far. We don't let each other slack off. Besides that, I like to think of what Elder D. Todd Christofferson said recently in a CES Fireside: GET THROUGH THE DAY. Don't put off for tomorrow what you can do today. Who knows if there will be a tomorrow? Our faith says there will be, but will you even be here for it? You can always just make it through the day.

I like to relate that to working out. Maybe it didn't really make sense to you--and it just seemed like rambling on my part, but at least it makes sense to me! Have a nice day! (And don't forget to treat your body to a work out.)

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