16 October 2010

Semester #6 at BYU-Idaho :)

Life has been just wonderful this semester. I do have to say, though, that this has been my busiest semester by far, but I think that's what's making it so great.
For one, I have the best roommates anyone could ask for. Now, I know people say that all the time, but I really mean it! I seriously live with my best friends! [Minus a few, of course] :) Another thing is that I've learned to be happy no matter what happens... "Come what may, and love it!" Well, I really do. Of course times get hard sometimes, but when you really, truly learn to trust in the Lord life is just so awesome. I love it! :)
One of the classes I am taking has a workbook that's kind of like a journal in a way. Every day I have to set 5 goals for myself, one for each: Spiritual, Physical, Emotional, Intellectual, and Social. I have to read for 15 minutes every day- and it even counts if it's for another class! I have to perform 3 acts of service. By being required to do this, it is making it easier and easier for me to always have one eye open for what others around me may be in need of. It's becoming a part of my daily life- serving others. :) Then, at the end of every day, there's a question for you to respond to. Some examples are: What is your favorite food and describe how you feel when you eat it. Name each member of your family and write one thing that makes them special. What is your most favorite thing to do in this whole world and why?
Can you see why I love this class so much? The homework doesn't even feel like a chore for me; it's something I look forward to doing! :) Also, every week you must complete 2-3 additional assignments in the back of the book. Some of these assignments, for example, include: List 5 things you are grateful for, beginning with each letter of the alphabet from A-M. List 5 things you are grateful for, beginning with each letter of the alphabet from N-Z. Draw a picture of the most beautiful thing you've seen today, just do the best you can. Write down your testimony. Organize an activity that involves 4 or more people. Go to Realage.com, take the test, and record your chronological age and your real age. Do 10 acts of unsolicited service in addition to your 3 required acts of service. List 25 things you absolutely want to do before you die. Write a poem...
Well, today for one of the assignments I wrote a poem about an experience I've had here at school. I suppose I'll share it with you today. Let me know what you think. :)

I place one foot in front of the other
As I walk along the campus sidewalks.
The cold air blows a leaf across my face,
And I shiver as I think about my warm bed.
I quicken my pace a little bit
As my ears begin to turn crimson.
Then I hear a voice whisper something to me,
And I slow as I check my pockets.
"Where is my iPod?" I think.
It must be in my backpack...
I'll check later;
I just want to go home.
Another nagging in my head,
"Check now."
I stop as I enter the Hart Building,
And I check inside my backpack.
Reluctantly I turn back.
I walk through the cold air once more,
Retracing my steps.
Back in the Clark Building,
I descend the wide staircase.
There it lay, down the hall:
My iPod. Untouched and Unscathed.
Thankful, I say a silent prayer of gratitude.
Had I not listened,
I may have lost it forever.
This time while walking home,
I enjoy the brisk air.
I think of my many blessings,
And I feel a warmth wash over me.

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