03 October 2012

New Baby Bayker!

I think it's time that I welcome the newest little one to the family! My brother, Porter, and his wife, Celeste, just recently welcomed the first boy into the family on either side of the family! 

 And here he is only moments after birth! Welcome to the world, Bayker Crush Kye Nelson :) 
7 lbs. 8 oz. 
Born on September 15, 2012.

 Celeste's words: "Already behaving like dad...with the man grab." Hahaha

 Mommy and baby!

 Sooo cute!

 And we can't forget my niece Zion! Proud big sister of 2 little ones now. :)

 My niece Cocoa holding little Bayker with mommy closely watching over. 
I can't wait to meet him!

 And how could I not include pictures of my favorite 2-year-old. Such a spunky little girl... wearing panties over her pants in this picture! In public, no less! Haha!

 Here she is with a little gift of her own! 
"Being a big sister? No big deal! I handle all the goodies coming our way!"

 "Oh, take care of the fruit basket? Already got it covered mommy!!"

And lastly, here is the proud daddy with little one, Cocoa! Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of him with Bayker yet. Porter  just met him yesterday after being thousands of miles away at work during the birth! His job wouldn't budge... you leave, don't come back! So sad. :( 

But here you have it! Our newest member of the family. I love you guys and can't wait to come back and visit!! Give all the kiddos kisses from me! :) <3 p="p">

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