25 September 2012

It's All About the Money, Baby

So, some may say that I'm the best blogger in the world.... yet, most will probably tell you... well, let's just not go there. Howeverrr, if you listen to what I have to say, I'll just tell you that I was oh-so-focused on school, and graduating, annd finding a job, etc, etc... that I just couldn't find even the teeniest, tiiiniest second to publish a word or two!! Hahaha. Yeah. Let's go with that. ;)

Anyways, HEY GUYS! Guess what. I'm graduated! :) Yeah, just finally got my bachelor's after 4 1/2 hard years of book pounding. No big deal. Haha. Oh! AND we've been married a whole YEAR now!!! WOOHOO!!! Well, technically it's been 1 year, and 3 weeks, but who's counting?

Erik is graduated too, just in case you were wondering! We both graduated at the same time, and were able to walk together. How romantic, right? lol. He got his degree in Sociology with the hopes of going into law enforcement, and I got my degree in Health Science and plan on going into Ultrasonography.

So now what are we up to, you may ask?! Well, right now we are both up in Washington (Haha, dur! Why would we be separated?!) while Erik is looking for a job! We are staying at Erik's mommy and daddy's crib until we figure out where we're going too. Who really wants to sign an apartment contract and pay rent, only to have to move all of a sudden (at any given time) and scramble to sell your contract? NOT ME!! So they've given us a pretty solid deal for now: As long as we're both working (while Erik searches for a "real job"), and putting the money we make towards our student loans, we are allowed to stay here.

It's kind of rough right now to try to break into law enforcement. He's been searching for a job for about a year now, and still hasn't been lucky-in-employment yet. That's okay though, it'll happen at the right time--probably during the fourth watch for those of you who know what I mean. Meanwhile, we've both been job searching for positions to gain experience in our fields, positions to not gain experience in our fields, etc. Haha. So, for the last 2 1/2 weeks we both got the opportunity to work at the Puyallup Fair! Sounds fun, right? How about not! Can you say "overworked"? Okay, so maybe I'm a wimp, but I don't think I've ever stood on my feet for periods this long ever in my life...ever!! I have quite the collection of blisters to prove it too. Ouch! We both worked a LOT. Erik more than me, even. I had 3 jobs, airbrush face painting, funnel cake making, and working at Earthquake Burger (delicious, by the way!). And Erik had 2- Earthquake Burger and funnel caking too. I am SO thankful to be able to say now, though, that the fair is OVERRR!!! YEEHAW! Haha, okay, now that I have that out of my system...

This isn't me (obviously), but this is the booth I worked in!

And here is a strawberry supreme funnel cake!

They seriously were as big as my face...

And very delicious too...

Plus the fries were huge too.

So, back to the whole job searching ordeal... while we both were able to work the fair, we still had to keep looking as those positions were VERY temporary. And guess what? SUCCESS! At least for me. I recently landed a very sweet deal! You are "looking at" the newest clinic assistant at the Apple Physical Therapy Clinic in Puyallup! One of the clinics, anyway. :) And let me just say, I've been told it's quite an accomplishment. First off, I had to apply on their website by going through a very tedious application process. Then they will only call you for a phone interview if they are semi-a-lot interested in you. Well, I got the phone interview! (Which was about a half hour long, and very nerve-wracking.) At the end of my phone interview I was invited to come in for a face-to-face interview. If I wasn't nervous for the phone interview, let me tell you... I was nervous now!!

So, I make time during my last Fair work-week and go in for my final interview. While interviewing, I'm told that they only invite you in for this stage in interviewing if they are VERY interested in you. So, if they don't choose you for this position, then they may offer you a different position with their company. I felt pretty good to hear that! Anyways, I was still nervous though, as I wasn't the only person they were interviewing "in-person." A lot of "what-ifs" kept running through my mind, wondering when I would find out, and all that jazz... Fast forward a couple days later, and WA-LAH! I received a phone call with my job offer!

I start tomorrow, and will be working Monday thru Fridays from 2:00-7:00 p.m.. I am VERY nervous, as I am required to dress business casual and whatnot. I've never had a REAL job before! Oh, and while you may be thinking--this isn't ultrasonography, it WILL give me a lot of good work experience for my resume. Wish me luck!! :)

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