24 July 2011

The Husband

Today I finished a really good book. For those of you who haven't heard of The Husband, it is definitely one that you will want to check out. It is by Dean Koontz and it is a page turner.

Now I don't want to give you any spoilers, but it is about a guy named Mitch whose wife gets kidnapped and held for 2 million dollars ransom. He has 60 hours to come up with the money, or they will kill her. And you wanna know the funny--or not so funny--part about it?! Mitch is a gardener!!!!

Here's the book, just in case you were curious!!

Be sure to check it out!! :)

21 July 2011

Life Goes On....

Life's been good, I suppose! Since I last wrote, I went to visit Erik in Washington. I had an awesome time there, and I wish I could go back and just live there. I love Washington. <3

I've missed Erik sooo much... As time passes that i'm not with him, sometimes I forget how much I really miss being with him, with his arms around me. I put up strong fronts and try to push those things out of my head so that i'm able to make it through every day that goes by until I get to be with him again.

I can't wait until I can call Erik my husband, and get to be with him every day for the rest of forever... He and I are perfect for each other. It's like we both were the missing piece to each other's puzzle, and now we've been found. :)

On a totally different note, I still haven't started my other job. I actually have to go in tomorrow to meet with the guy and bring my resume. I hope that's a good thing... :S Cross your fingers! He already told me it was "for sure" when I asked him, but who knows? Maybe it wasn't really "for sure" yet, and they still need to interview me again. Needless to say, I'm really quite nervous about it. I very much dislike interviews. :/

I can say, though, that I'm still happy with my decsion to quit Maverik. I haven't been happier all summer than since I stopped working there. I do not like the environment there at ALL. There's too much gossip, backbiting, swearing, and the list goes on.... I could never make it through the day without feeling like a piece of meat; dirty men's eyes wandering where they needn't be. I never felt comfortable there. I don't belong with those kinds of people.

Yesterday I got to go to the temple again! I went to the Twin Falls temple to do a session with a girl from my home ward, Jessica Hansen. I had a good experience. I really would like to go again tomorrow if I can make it work after my interview. :)

Well, I need to be off. I have cleaning and organizing to do around my room. It's kind of a pig-sty right now. :/ Love you all!

12 July 2011


Guess what happens in 3 days?!?!? YEP!!! I get to see Erik again!!!

Haha, I bet you're all sick of me being mushy gushy all the time, but hey!! I can't help it!! I'm sorry! :S

...And guess what happened today?! I quit at Maverik. I just couldn't take that job anymore. I couldn't do it anymore. I can honestly say, I don't think I've ever hated a job as much as that one. :(
Good news though!! One of the real reasons I finally up and quit though is because I found another job!! I actually had the interview 2 months ago, but it's for a store that is brand new and hasn't opened up yet. They did the interviews early so they'd be ready for when it opened. I should be getting a call next Monday with an offer for what i'll get paid, and then it's up to me whether I accept or decline it. Well, DUH!!! Of COURSE i'm going to accept it!! I was making minimum wage at Maverik... How could anything be worse?! Especially for such a nicer job as it will be! :)

Yes, yes, I know i haven't told you where it is yet, but I will wait to do that until after I get my job offer. I don't want to jinx myself! :P

Until then...!

An update in a jiffy?
I just got back yesterday (Sunday) from my Cox family reunion in Las Vegas. My favorite part was getting to go to the temple and do a session there, boating (wave runner, skiing, tubing), and then having a fireside where my grandpa gave a killer lesson. LOVED IT!!!
I quit Maverik today.
I babysat my cousin, Mari, instead for the evening.
The next couple days I will be doing some extra work for my grandma to earn some money.
Then Thursday I will be flying out to see the love of my life, and best friend, in Washington!!

Life couldn't get better right now! I feel so FREE!!!
Working at Maverik was like trying to swim with someone constantly trying to push your shoulders down under the water.
I can breathe now!!! Who knew!?!? :)

01 July 2011


So, I found my dress today!!! (Well, technically it was yesterday because i'm up late past midnight writing this. You get the point though!) ;)

Oh man.... It's not something I would have walked in and been like, "That one!" But... After trying on dresses for the first time in my life and seeing them on me, I decided on it. And guess what else?! ...I LOVE IT!! Yep! I really do!

Funny thing, it was actually the very first dress I tried on too! I didn't really know what to think yet though, so i set it aside to keep and continued to try on other various dresses. Then after having 2 or 3 dresses that I wanted in the finale (hehe), I put them BACK on and we went from there! Yadda yadda yadda... long story short, I ended up picking the first dress I tried on!! Weird, huh? I think it's kinda cool. :)

It fits so perfectly that there is NO need whatsoever to get it altered!!! It's like it was made for me or something... who knows?!
Well... I guess it could be hemmed because i'm so short... BUUUUT.....
after that we went to the mall and I got some shoes to go with it. Instead of going with sneakers like I had originally wanted to, we ended up getting some super tall heels so that 1) I won't need to spend a fortune getting my dress hemmed, and 2) I won't look so dang short next to Erik now! He's literally about a foot taller than me. I know, right?! I'm short. I don't care though. :)

Well, it's been a LONNNG day.... and i had an even longer one yesterday, which maybe i'll write about another time. So-long everyone!!! :)

Wedding Dress Shopping

[Kay, so let me start off by saying that I don't really know if it's possible to change the date on a post, but I wrote this 2 days ago and Blogger hasn't been working for me to even post it til now! :( It's okay though, you can still at least read what was going on at that time, and then i'll write a new one to update on this one! Make sense??? Hope so!!]

Guess what?! I am finally going shopping for my wedding dress on Thursday! It's only 2 months to the wedding and I STILL don't have a dress! I know... Hopefully I don't have to get much altered at all.

Actually, funny story... we WERE going to go dress shopping last week (i'm not sure if i mentioned it or not...), but the place we went to down in Utah didn't have ANYTHING i was interested in at ALL. There were only 3 modest dresses in the whole store, and on top of that: 1) not my style. and 2)SUPERRR expensive!!! Yeah, i never ever intend on spending 1600+ on a wedding dress. NO THANKS!!! :P
The rest of the dresses there were ALL immodest and would need to be altered, which would cost 400+ in addition to the expensive prices that they already were. So, long story short, I didn't try on a single thing! We were in and out in 5 minutes tops. So much for that experience! Haha :)

The place I've wanted to go this whole summer, from day one is to Margene's Bridal in Boise. Now I finally get to go! Yay! There is also a Margene's Bridal in Idaho Falls, which is how I learned of this incredible dress store. I just so happened to have a roommate last semester that was getting married, so i-- being the only one in my apartment with a car-- got to take her to find her dress and go back for a couple follow-up appointments! During this time I fell in love with the dresses they had there and knew that's where I wanted to go to find my dress. :)

Now it's my turn!! I'm very excited and i hope i find something that i just LOVE!!! :) <3