28 April 2010

La-la-la-la-la-la-la-LIFE is Wonderful....

*Sigh. Oh, I just love life. Today was a great day. I went to work at 4 in the morning, and then came home, had "family" prayer with my apartment, read my scriptures, and then slept for like 4 1/2 hours or so. :) After that, I juggled with some down time. That was kinda boring, but then I went to the temple with my friend, DUMDI!!! It was so nice to go do some more baptisms. I honestly am so blessed to have a temple so close to me, where I can just go to whenever I feel like (almost). I am going to make it a goal for me to go to the temple at least once a week to do baptisms--hopefully more. It helps me take my mind off things, and I am doing a great and sacred ordinance at the same time.
What's really cool is that from my apartment window we have the PERFECT view of the temple. At night it is just gorgeous!!! Sometime I will take a picture with a zoom camera and post it up here. Until then though, you'll just have to trust me. ;)
Well, I suppose I better be going. It's late and I should get to bed. [Haha....when else do I write? Besides when it's late at night... Oh well! You like it.] :)

1 comment:

  1. The view of the temple is amazing!! And I'm glad we got to go to the temple together!! :)


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