12 January 2014

Hello Again!

Oh my goodness, I haven't written in over a YEAR!! I am a terrible person. Haha :/
In my defense, however, I lost/forgot my password. NOTHING I tried would work, and I couldn't even pass the account recovery "quiz"! Part of that being due to me having a different phone number. Oh, and I also CALLED Google! They helpfully told me that they could NOT help me, and the only way to recover your account was through the online process. Thanks a lot peeps! So basically, I figured I would never recover my blog...and that I'd eventually have to start a new one. Long story short, my broken laptop was finally made usable (thanks to a nice tech friend of Erik's), and by doing the online recovery quiz on a computer I'd used to actually log in on before...I DID IT!! I was able to change my password! I've learned my lesson and will not make that mistake again.

Well now that you've read a whole story that you likely couldn't care less about, let's move on! The past year was good for us. Erik got a job at Ely State Prison as a Correctional Officer ("prison guard"), and so we moved into the middle of nowhere, Nevada! Literally though. You have to drive nearly 4 hours -or more- in ANY direction to get to decent shopping, etc.  Not exactly my favorite thing, but hey... we all have to go through things like this at one point or another. We were both also called to serve with the youth at church- myself in the young women's, and Erik in the young men's. We have really been enjoying ourselves, and it is def one of my favorite callings thus far. :)

I am currently a substitute teacher for the school district out here, and while it can be VERY stressful at times (*middle school* cough cough), I am enjoying being able to "pick and choose" when I work. It's especially nice if we decide to go out of town. I don't have to request work off! It's great! Not to mention, the four-day school week here. :)

I am still planning on furthering my career by pursuing additional schooling on top of my BS in Health Science, but I'm kind of on hold for as long as we live in Ely [Ee-lee]. It will happen eventually. :) Just gotta be patient!

Anyways, enough for now! I'm hoping to write a lot more frequently. Get after me if I neglect my duty. ;)

02 January 2013

My Year in Facebook Statuses

Now this, of course, does not portray all of my statuses from the past year, but it IS a summary!! I hoped you enjoy a glimpse into my life. :)

Also, there is a special status I posted early this morning that reads as follows:

2013 Pay-It-Forward: The first five people to comment on this status will receive from me, sometime in the next calendar year, a handmade/homemade/crafted item. There will likely be no warning and it will happen whenever the mood strikes me. The catch? Those five people must make the same offer in their FB status. Go! Create! Do! :)

Now, I've only had a couple people comment so far, so if you think you can take the challenge and Pay-It-Forward this year, jump on it! I guarantee it will be worth your while. Charity work is some of the greatest work you can do as you never know what someone else may be going through. You may even save a life without knowing it! :)

Happy New Year everyone!! :)

(Oh, and remember, your comment is only valid if you post the same thing on your wall!!) =)

17 December 2012

Sandy Elementary Poem

I just saw this post from someone on Facebook, and I thought it'd be nice to share. Enjoy!

Twas' 11 days before Christmas, around 9:38
when 20 beautiful children stormed through heaven's gate.
their smiles were contagious, their laughter filled the air.

they could hardly believe all the beauty they saw there.
they were filled with such joy, they didn't know what to say.
they remembered nothing of what had happened earlier that day.
"where are we?" asked a little girl, as quiet as a mouse.
"this is heaven." declared a small boy. "we're spending Christmas at God's house."
when what to their wondering eyes did appear,
but Jesus, their savior, the children gathered near.
He looked at them and smiled, and they smiled just the same.
then He opened His arms and He called them by name.
and in that moment was joy, that only heaven can bring
those children all flew into the arms of their King
and as they lingered in the warmth of His embrace,
one small girl turned and looked at Jesus' face.
and as if He could read all the questions she had
He gently whispered to her, "I'll take care of mom and dad."
then He looked down on earth, the world far below
He saw all of the hurt, the sorrow, and woe
then He closed His eyes and He outstretched His hand,
"Let My power and presence re-enter this land!"
"may this country be delivered from the hands of fools"
"I'm taking back my nation. I'm taking back my schools!"
then He and the children stood up without a sound.
"come now my children, let me show you around."
excitement filled the space, some skipped and some ran.
all displaying enthusiasm that only a small child can.
and i heard Him proclaim as He walked out of sight,
"in the midst of this darkness, I AM STILL THE LIGHT."